About institute

The Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology was founded in1944 on the basis of Department of Pathology of the Institute of Experimental Medicine. The founder and first director of the Institute (from 1944 to 1958) was Andrey D. Speransky– the outstanding pathologist, a follower of the Nobel Prize winner Ivan Pavlov. In subsequent years the directors of the Institute were:

  • Vladimir N. Chernigovsky (1958-1959)
  • Vasily V. Parin (1960-1965)
  • Alexey M. Chernukh (1965-1982)
  • Georgy N. Kryzhanovsky (1982-2001)
  • Aslan A. Kubatiev (2001-2016)
  • Sergey G. Morozov (2016-present)

Center for Collective Use of precision scientific equipment and three research and education centers, such as Medical Cellular Technologies, Nanobiotechnology and Nanomedicine, Athero- and thrombogenesis, were created.

The headquarters of two Russian scientific societies (the Russian Scientific Society of pathophysiology and the Russian Scientific Society of pain research), as well as two Scientific Councils of the RAS (on general pathology and pathophysiology and on the problems of hypoxia) were developed on the basis of the Institute. The Institute was the initiator and organizer of the two international scientific societies (International Society for Pathophysiology and the International Society for Adaptive Medicine).

The institute staff collaborates with the scientists from the USA, Canada, Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain,Turkey, Japan, Hungary, Denmark, Switzerland, Poland and other countries. They are the members of the leading bodies of more than 15 international scientific and social organizations.

The Institute possesses a complete set of equipment for the molecular and cell culture studies. Transmission electron microscope, scanning electron microscope, confocal laser microscope, fluorescent microscopes are used in morphological research;high-performance liquid chromatographs, mass spectrometers, capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry – for biochemical and neurochemical research;  equipment for the research and manufacture of biochips, the last-generation ultracentrifuges, high-performance biochemical analyzer, lumi-aggregometers– for cell aggregation research in whole blood, equipment  for the enzyme immunoassay. The institute also owns modern equipment for electrophysiological and behavioral studies.

There are 18 scientific laboratories, united into 5 departments, where 3 academicians of the RAS, 3 corresponding members of the RAS, 2 winners of the State Prize of the USSR, Russia and the RF Government, 3 Honored Scientists of Russia, 4 Lenin Komsomol Prize Laureates, 2 Companions of the Honour, 35 Doctors of Science and 60 PhDs are working.

The Institute takes an active part in the education. Several field-oriented academic departments of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education and Moscow Institute of Open Education work on the basis of the Institute. The two heads of laboratories also run the departments at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University and Lomonosov Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology. Another 19 members of the Institute teach in the field-oriented departments of various Moscow universities, including the Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Pirogov Russian State Medical University.

For many decades the Institute has provided postgraduate education and doctorate in pathophysiology, as well as the residency training in neurology.

The Institute provides also a specialized scientific Dissertation Board for Doctor of Science and Doctor in Philosophy degrees.

The Institute is a founder of two peer-reviewed scientific journals: «Pathogenesis» and «Pathological Physiology and Experimental Therapy.»

Each year the Institute staff publishes on the average 150 papers in refereed national and 50 articles in prestigious international journals (Cell, Nature, PNAS, Amer. Journal Physiology,etc.).

In 2010 and 2011, the Institute was awarded with Diplomas and goldmedals «100 best research institutions and organizations of Russia.»

Structure of the Institute.