On January 17, 2022, neurophysiologists from many countries will commemorate the 100th anniversary of Professor Boris Izrailevich Khodorov, an eminent electrophysiologist and neurobiologist.
On this day, Khodorov’s jubilee conference will be held at the Research Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology, where BI founded the Laboratory of Pathology of Ion Transport and Intracellular Signaling, which he headed for 26 years until his death. The organizers of this summit invite you to participate in the event and deliver a 30-min scientific presentation.
Nowadays, a remarkable tradition emerged and strengthened to supplement the Boris Khodorov’s jubilee conferences with papers of his students, friends, and co-workers published in special issues of “Biological Membranes” (Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement. Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology). Vivid discussions at the conference and related papers are the best ways to express once again our gratitude to Destiny and to our Teacher for wonderful period of our creative teamwork life. The organizers of the Conference invite all BI students and colleagues to submit the papers to Jubilee Issue of Biological Membranes in English or Russian, which will be released in 2022. The deadline for paper submission is January 17, 2022. Instructions to authors are in https://www.pleiades.online/en/authors/
The applications for an oral presentation at the Conference should be mailed to Dr. Alexander M. Surin (surin_am@mail.ru) or Dr. Sergey V. Revenko (s_revenko@mail.ru). Manuscripts for the anniversary issue «Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement. Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology» should be sent by e-mail to the editorial office of the journal (deeva.natalia@gmail.com , biomembranes2010@gmail.com, see Instructions for authors) with a note in the subject line «Khodorov’s jubilee».
Editors of the jubilee issue of «Membrane and Cell Biology»,
S.V. Revenko and A.M. Surin.